Days of the New

Days of the New released the following albums including Days of the New (1997), Days of the New II (1999) and Days of the New III (2001).

Days of the New

Jun 1997

  1. Shelf in the Room
  2. Touch, Peel and Stand
  3. Face of the Earth
  4. Solitude
  5. The Down Town
  6. What's Left For Me?
  7. Freak
  8. Now
  9. Whimsical
  10. Where I Stand
  11. How Do You Know You?
  12. Cling

Days of the New II

Aug 1999

  1. Flight Responce
  2. Real
  3. Enemy
  4. Weapon and the Wound
  5. Skeleton Key
  6. Take Me Back Then
  7. Bring Yourself
  8. I Think
  9. Longfellow
  10. Untitled
  11. Phobics of Tragedy
  12. Not the Same
  13. Provider
  14. Last One

Days of the New III

Sep 2001

  1. Hang On To This
  2. Fighting W/Clay
  3. Days In Our Life
  4. Die Born
  5. Best Of Life
  6. Dirty Road
  7. Where Are You?
  8. Never Drown
  9. Words
  10. Once Again
  11. Giving In
  12. Dancing With The Wind


  1. The Real
  2. Rough Day
  3. Fighting With Clay
  4. The Character/The Threat
  5. Fighting W/clay
  6. Flight Response
  7. Independent Slaves
  8. Running Knees
  9. Seasons Change
  10. Weapon & The Wound

Days of the New