The Fabulous Thunderbirds

The Fabulous Thunderbirds released the following albums including Tuff Enuff (1990), The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Hot Stuff: The Greatest Hits (1992), What's the Word (2001), Girls Go Wild (2001), Butt Rockin' (2001) and Painted On (2005).

Tuff Enuff

Oct 1990

  1. Tuff Enuff
  2. Tell Me
  3. Look At That, Look At That
  4. Two Time My Lovin
  5. Amnesia
  6. Wrap It Up
  7. True Love
  8. Why Get Up
  9. I Don't Care
  10. Down At Antones

The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Hot Stuff: The Greatest Hits

Aug 1992

  1. Twist Of The Knife
  2. Got Love If You Want It
  3. Rock This Place
  4. Stand Back
  5. You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover
  6. Powerful Stuff
  7. Look At That, Look A That

What's the Word

Feb 2001

  1. Runnin' Shoes
  2. You Ain't Nothin' But Fine
  3. Low-Down Woman
  4. Extra Jimmies
  5. Sugar Coated Love
  6. Last Call For Alcohol
  7. The Crawl
  8. Jumpin' Bad
  9. Learn To Treat Me Right
  10. I'm A Good Man (If You Give Me A Chance)
  11. Dirty Work
  12. That's Enough Of That Stuff
  13. Band Introduction By C-Boy
  14. Bad Boy (Live)
  15. Los Fabulosos Thunderbirds

Girls Go Wild

Feb 2001

  1. Wait On Time
  2. Scratch My Back
  3. Rich Woman
  4. Full-Time Lover
  5. Pocket Rocket
  6. She's Tuff
  7. Marked Deck
  8. Walkin' To My Baby
  9. Rock With Me
  10. C-Boy's Blues
  11. Let Me In
  12. Look Whatcha Done
  13. Please Don't Lie To Me
  14. Things I Forgot To Do

Butt Rockin'

Feb 2001

  1. I Believe I'm In Love
  2. One's Too Many
  3. Give Me All Your Lovin'
  4. Roll, Roll, Roll
  5. Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
  6. I Hear You Knocking
  7. Tip On In
  8. I'm Sorry
  9. Mathilda
  10. Tell Me Why
  11. In Orbit
  12. Found A New Love
  13. I Got Eyes
  14. Someday You'll Want Me

Painted On

Jun 2005

  1. Hard Knock
  2. Got To Get Out
  3. Two-Time Fool
  4. Love Speaks Louder than Words
  5. Painted On
  6. Feeling My Way Around
  7. Rock Candy
  8. Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line
  9. Postman
  10. Wild Cherry
  11. You Torture Me
  12. When I Am Gone

The Fabulous Thunderbirds