The New Pornographers

The New Pornographers released the following albums including Electric Version (2003), Mass Romantic (2003), Twin Cinema (2005) and Challengers (2007).

Electric Version

May 2003

  1. Electric Version
  2. From Blown Speakers
  3. Laws Have Changed
  4. End of Medicine
  5. Loose Translation
  6. Chump Change
  7. All for Swinging You Around
  8. New Face of Zero and One
  9. Testament to Youth in Verse
  10. It's Only Divine Right
  11. Ballad of a Comeback Kid
  12. July Jones
  13. Miss Teen Wordpower

Mass Romantic

Oct 2003

  1. Mass Romantic
  2. Fake Headlines
  3. Slow Descent into Alcoholism
  4. Mystery Hours
  5. Jackie
  6. Letter from an Occupant
  7. To Wild Homes
  8. Body Says No
  9. Execution Day
  10. Centre for Holy Wars
  11. Mary Martin Show
  12. Breakin' the Law

Twin Cinema

Aug 2005

  1. Twin Cinema
  2. The Bones of an Idol
  3. Use It
  4. The Bleeding Heart Show
  5. Jackie, Dressed in Cobras
  6. The Jessica Numbers
  7. These Are the Fables
  8. Sing Me Spanish Techno
  9. Falling Through Your Clothes
  10. Broken Breads
  11. Three or Four
  12. Star Bodies
  13. Streets of Fire
  14. Stacked Crooked


Aug 2007

  1. My Rights Versus Yours
  2. All the Old Showstoppers
  3. Challengers
  4. Myriad Harbour
  5. All the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earth
  6. Failsafe
  7. Unguided
  8. Entering White Cecilia
  9. Go Places
  10. Mutiny, I Promise You
  11. Adventures in Solitude
  12. The Spirit of Giving

The New Pornographers