The Rocking Dildos

The Rocking Dildos released the following albums including On Speed (1997) and Horny Hit Parade (1998).

On Speed

May 1997

  1. 16 Inch Motherfucker
  2. Anal Blast
  3. Beach Party
  4. Blue Holocaust
  5. Club Losers
  6. Erection Of The Century
  7. Flop In The Hay
  8. Fuckaholics
  9. Hangover Wank
  10. Hellish Metal
  11. Pregnant Women Must Die
  12. Race With The Devil
  13. Tender Bartender
  14. The R.d. Anthem
  15. Tnt Tits
  16. Vegeterian Cunts
  17. Whatchdou2?
  18. Who Gives A Shit

Horny Hit Parade

May 1998

The Rocking Dildos