Kathleen Edwards

Kathleen Edwards released the following albums including Failer (2003), Back to Me (2005) and Asking for Flowers (2008).


Jan 2003

  1. Six O'Clock News
  2. One More Song the Radio Won't Like
  3. Hockey Skates
  4. The Lone Wolf
  5. 12 Bellevue
  6. Mercury
  7. Westby
  8. Maria
  9. National Steel
  10. Sweet Lil' Duck

Back to Me

Mar 2005

  1. In State
  2. Back to Me
  3. Pink Emerson Radio
  4. Independent Thief
  5. Old Time Sake
  6. Summerlong
  7. What Are You Waiting For?
  8. Away
  9. Somewhere Else
  10. Copied Keys
  11. Good Things

Asking for Flowers

Mar 2008

  1. Buffalo
  2. The Cheapest Key
  3. Asking for Flowers
  4. Alicia Ross
  5. I Make the Dough, You Get the Glory
  6. Oil Man's War
  7. Sure as Shit
  8. Run
  9. Oh Canada
  10. Scared at Night
  11. Goodnight, California


  1. Sweet Little Duck
  2. Lone Wolf
  3. Lazy Eye

Kathleen Edwards